Presidencia de la Nación

Information on International Driver's Licenses

If you are a foreigner who arrives in the country and you want to rent a car or use your private car to move around the country, you must carry your valid identity document to circulate through MERCOSUR or your passport with entry to Argentina, and also your driver's license drive, which will be valid in the national territory if you meet any of the following requirements:

  • National or international driver's license (the latter is necessary if a driver's license is not required in your own country) issued in accordance with the provisions of the Convention on the Regulation of Inter-American Automotive Traffic (Washington 1943).

    • The international permit issued accordingly is valid for one year from its issuance, according to Article XIII of the Convention.
  • National driver's licenses issued by one of the contracting parties to the 1949 Geneva Convention (article 23, paragraph 1), or the 1968 Vienna Convention (article 41).

    • The licenses issued by the contracting states authorize circulation in the country for a maximum period of one year from its entry, according to article 1 of the 1949 Geneva Convention and article 1 b) iii of the 1968 Vienna Convention.
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