Presidencia de la Nación

Nicolás Posse gave his first management report in the Senate

In compliance with the National Constitution, the Chief of Staff presented his first management report in the Senate.

In the Special Information Session in the Honorable Chamber of Senators, the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse, outlined the progress of the Government in its first months of administration, reviewing the actions in each of the areas of Government. He outlined the two main objectives of President Milei: order the economy (lower inflation and the fiscal deficit) and security; and also detailed the achievements obtained so far.

Some of his main points:

  • “Our main challenge is to regain credibility. Argentinians keep half of the GDP under their mattresses because that credibility doesn't exist; we are not providing it. Credibility is the basic raw material for all of us who make public policies. We speak through actions.”

  • “Why will it be different this time? First, we have a President who doesn't come from politics, who campaigned for two years saying what the problems were and that they needed to be tackled at the root. The President made reducing the fiscal deficit a priority. This conviction is shared by the entire government team. And most importantly, it is supported by all Argentinians. This is what Argentinians voted for.”

  • The first objective from Argentinians regarding the economy: reduce inflation and achieve zero deficit.

  • “The inflation rate in the first week of December was at 1% daily. That repressed inflation was turning into hyperinflation.”

  • “The root of the problem, as Minister Luis Caputo explained very clearly to Argentinians for the first time on December 12, is the excessive spending, the resulting deficit, and the mechanisms used to finance it.”

  • “The direction is correct. The results of the measures prove it.”

  • “This is the first time we have had a fiscal surplus since 2008. We don't have to request new debt or resort to monetary issuance.”

  • “We avoided a crisis that probably would have been the biggest in Argentine history.”

The second objective: security and order

  • “The second objective has to do with security and order. Protests were around 10,000 per year. This has changed substantially with the anti-protests protocol.”

  • Line 134: “We gave a voice to people who didn't have one with the 134 line so that those who were threatened or extorted had a channel to express what they were going through.”

  • “In just 10 days of management, the first protests were called. There were threats of blockades and disruptions, claiming there would be 50,000 protesters in Plaza de Mayo. We received 11,000 calls, and only 3,000 protesters showed up. Since then, Argentinians have been moving around with tranquility. There have practically been no street closures, or only momentary ones.”

  • “The 134 line is still operational; we have received almost 150,000 calls. Nearly 9,000 provided evidence to advance legal cases. This week, the judiciary began taking action.”

  • “Homicides in the city of Rosario have decreased by 60%, and in the area where security forces are deployed, they have decreased by 70%.”

  • “We are working on the reform of the Criminal Procedural System and the deployment of this system nationwide, with a focus on Rosario and the province of Santa Fe.”

Human capital: increase social assistance by eliminating intermediaries

  • “This entire plan was implemented by increasing social assistance to those most in need and eliminating intermediaries.”

  • “Half of the national budget today is allocated to assist vulnerable sectors and the pension system”

  • “Potenciar Trabajo plan reached 1,200,000 beneficiaries. Its effectiveness proved to be very low: only 1.3% had obtained a job in the formal system. In summary: Potenciar Trabajo plan did not enhance any employment.”

  • “Regarding social assistance, the First Thousand Days plan was increased by 500%, providing coverage to 70,000 pregnant or breastfeeding women and also to 600,000 children up to 3 years of age. The Universal Child Allowance and the Alimentar Card were doubled, and additional financing was provided to reinforce it, which is already underway.”

  • “In terms of soup kitchens, the funding was increased by 75% and an audit was conducted. Almost 50% of the soup kitchens did not exist”

  • “In education, we have increased school assistance by 300% for the purchase of supplies and materials, reaching over 7 million children nationwide. An educational voucher system was implemented for families with medium incomes to cover 50% of the tuition fees. 800,000 families signed up for this program, covering over a million children”

Simplification of the State

  • "We have a State that is not only very large and impossible for us to afford, but also one that has become tremendously inefficient, providing services of very poor quality, within a framework where the State represents more than 40% of GDP. We want to gradually and intelligently reduce the size of the State and lower taxes, reaching reasonable levels."

  • "It's not just about downsizing the State, but also about making it more efficient and useful for citizens."

Foreign Policy: Freedom and Democracy

  • "We have reestablished strategic alliances with countries around the world that defend the cause of freedom and democracy."

Defense: rebuilding the Relationship with the Armed Forces

  • "In the area of Defense, we have identified a significant weakness in the Air Force. We have signed a contract with Denmark for the purchase of 24 modern, supersonic, multi-role F-16 fighter jets. This is the most significant acquisition made in Defense in recent years."

Bases and Starting Points for the Freedom of the Argentines law project

  • “The next step we have proposed is the Bases and Starting Points for the Freedom of the Argentines law project, along with its associated fiscal measures. These are long-term reforms. They will accelerate the recovery process and make Argentina much more reliable for attracting investments, primarily from Argentinians themselves. This work is being led by Minister Guillermo Francos”.

  • “We seek to return to the path that made our country one of the most prosperous in the world, following the ideas of Alberdi in the Constitution of 1853, defending freedom, life, and private property”.

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