Presidencia de la Nación

Guillermo Francos met with members of the CGT

The Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos; along with the Secretary of Labor, Julio Cordero; and the presidential advisor, Santiago Caputo, held a meeting with a delegation from the CGT.

The Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos; along with the Secretary of Labor, Julio Cordero; and the presidential advisor, Santiago Caputo, held a meeting with a CGT delegation headed by the general secretaries of the labor union, Héctor Daer (Health) and Carlos Acuña (Union of Service Station Workers (SOESGyPE), where they agreed to form a tripartite table (Government, CGT and business community) to advance with various issues on the labor agenda, as well as the participation of CGT representatives in the formation of the May Council and advance with different aspects of the labor reform.

The advisor to the Ministry of Labor, Guillermo Comadira, participated in the meeting, which took place in the Hall of Shields, and Jorge Sola (Insurance Union) was present for the CGT; Andres Rodríguez (UPCN); Gerardo Martínez (UOCRA); José Luis Lingeri (Sanitary Works); Cristian Gerónimo (Union of Glass and Related Industry Employees, Seivara); Robustiano Geneiro (UTHGRA); Maia Volcovinsky (UEJN); Luz Marina Jaureguiberry (SADOP); Sergio Romero (UDA); Roberto Fernández (UTA); and Daniel Ricci (FEDUN).

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