Estudios sobre Covid y Transporte
Modo Aeronáutico
ICAO- Effects of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) on Civil Aviation. Economic Impact Analysis
Nereyda L. Sevilla - Germs on a Plane. The Transmission andRisks of Airplane-Borne Diseases
Impacto de la COVID-19 en el transporte aéreo de pasajeros y carga en México durante el 2020
ICAO Handbook for CAAs on the Management of Aviation Safety Risks related to COVID-19
Take-off: Guidance for Air Travel through the COVID-19 Public Health Crisis
Modo Automotor
Igor Betkier - Safety of Urban Transport Users During The Covid-19 Pandemic
Lautaro Massa - Simulación computacional para luchar contra el COVID-19 en el transporte público
Thierry Mallet - Transdev the challenges public transport is facing
International Transport Forum - Road Safety Annual Report 2021: The Impact of Covid-19
Modo Ferroviario
- UIC - Potenciales medidas para restaurar la confianza de los viajeros en el ferocarril en el contexto de la pandemia del Covid - 19
- UIC - RAILsiliencia
- UIC - Tratamiento de Covid-19
- UIC - De la utilización de cámaras térmicas para la medición de temperatura en las personas
para combatir el Covid-19
Modo Marítimo, Fluvial y Lacustre
- OMI - PANDEMIA DE COVID 19: Punto de mira (portal con circulares emitidas por la OMI en torno a la pandemia)
- EMSA - COVID-19 Impact on Shipping
- 2020 Paris MoU Annual Report “Dealing with the pandemic” on port state control
Modo Multimodal
- Safety Investigation Authority - First wave of the covid 19 pandemic in finlandia in 2020
- A. Calatayud, F. Giraldez, A. Hand, O. Chevalier -Convivir con el coronavirus
- Council of the European Union - Council Conclusions on policy considerations for a pandemic and other major crisis contingency plan for the European freight transport sector
- Erik Jenelius, Matej Cebecauer - Impacts of COVID-19 on public transport ridership in Sweden. Analysis ofticket validations, sales and passenger counts
- G. Lozzi, E. Marcucci, V. Gatta, V. Pacelli, M. Rodrigues, T. Teoh - COVID-19 and urban mobility
- IFC - The Impact of COVID-19 on Logistics
- ITF - covid-19-transport a compendium
- SD - Estudios en Alemania, Francia y Japón descartan al transporte público como cluster de contagios
- SD - Making Public Transport safe in times of COVID-19
- Sebastián Anapolsky - cómo nos movemos en el amba
- Reino Unido - Coronavirus. Lecciones aprendidas hasta la fecha