Presidencia de la Nación

CNDC investigation into alleged cartelisation of prepaid medical companies continues

In the framework of the agreement reached between the Superintendence of Health Services and the prepaid medicine companies, the Secretariat of Industry and Commerce confirmed that it is continuing with the investigation into the alleged cartelisation of a group of firms in the sector.

The National Commission for the Defence of Competition (CNDC, for its acronym in Spanish) will continue with the investigation into alleged cartelisation between several prepaid medicine companies. On the other hand, by virtue of the agreement reached by the Superintendence of Health Services (SSS, for its acronym in Spanish), the Secretariat of Industry and Commerce revoked the preventive measure ordered on 17th April. The measure is subject to the homologation of the agreement between the SSS and the companies and does not imply the interruption of the CNCD's investigation into alleged collusion.

The agreement reached by the SSS and the companies is, prima facie, a better solution that includes a larger number of companies in the sector and fixes refunds of what was charged above the Consumer Price Index.

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