Presidencia de la Nación


La iniciativa de las cumbres América Latina y el Caribe-Unión Europea (antes ALC-UE, hoy CELAC-UE) cumplió en 2009 su primera década; período en el cual se ha ido avanzando en el objetivo de la Asociación Estratégica a través del diálogo institucionalizado en cumbres periódicas de mandatarios de la Unión Europea y de América Latina y el Caribe. A partir de enero de 2013, el Proceso de Cumbres se conoce como Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y el Caribe - Unión Europea (CELAC-UE).

I Cumbre CELAC-UE , Santiago de Chile, Chile 26 y 27 de enero de 2013

EU-LAC ‘Senior Officials’ Meeting on Science and Technology Brussels, Belgium. March 28th and 29th, 2011

  • Guidelines for the functioning of the EU-LAC Senior Officials Meetings (SOM) to develop and sustain R&I dialogue (NO PUBLICO)
  • Road Map to implement the EU-LAC Joint Initiative for Research and Innovation which corresponds to the S&T part of the EU-LAC Madrid Summit Action Plan (NO PUBLICO)

VI European Union- Latin America and Caribbean Summit of Heads of State and Government Madrid, Spain. May 18th, 2010

  • VI Cumbre ALCUE- Declaración de Madrid
  • VI EULAC Summit - Madrid Declaration
  • Plan de Acción de Madrid 2010-2012
  • Madrid Action Plan 2010-2012

EU-LAC Science and Technology Ministerial Forum Madrid, Spain. May 14th, 2010

  • Documento sobre la Iniciativa Conjunta de Investigación e Innovación
  • Document on the Joint Initiative for Research and Innovation
  • Ministerial Recommendation

EU-LAC ‘Senior Officials’ Meeting on Science and Technology Buenos Aires, Argentina. February 25th and 26th, 2010

V European Union- Latin America and Caribbean Summit of Heads of State and Government Lima, Peru. May 16th and 18th, 2008

  • Declaración de Lima
  • Lima Declaration

EU-LAC ‘Senior Officials’ Meeting on Science and Technology Salzburg, Austria. February 1st to 3rd, 2006

Salzburg Conclusions on EULAC S&T Cooperation

III European Union- Latin America and Caribbean Summit of Heads of State and Government Guadalajara, Mexico. May 28th and 29th, 2004

  • Declaración de Guadalajara
  • Declaration of Guadalajara

II European Union- Latin America and Caribbean Summit of Heads of State and Government Madrid, Spain. May 17th, 2002

  • EU-Latin America & the Caribbean Summit: Conclusions

Ministerial Conference Brazilia, Brazil. March 20th to 22nd, 2002

  • ALCUE's Brasília Action Plan for S&T Cooperation

EU-LAC ‘Senior Officials’ Meeting on Science and Technology Bruges. December 13th and 14th, 2001

  • ALCUE's S&T Cooperation: The Bruges’ Shared Vision Paper on the Societal role of RTD

EU-LAC ‘Senior Officials’ Meeting on Science and Technology Lisbon, Portugal. June 5th and 6th, 2000

I European Union- Latin America and Caribbean Summit of Heads of State and Government Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. June 28th and 29th, 1999

  • The Rio Summit
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