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The CNDC delivered its opinion on alleged bid-rigging in public procurement
After five years, the National Commission for the Defence of Competition recommended that the investigation into alleged bid-rigging in public procurement be closed by the Secretary of Commerce. ... -
Effect of two broad-spectrum fungicides on the microbial communities of a soil subjected to different degrees of water erosion
Autor: Verdenelli, Romina A.; Dominchin, María F.; Barbero, Florencia M.; Perez Brandan, Carolina; Aoki, Antonio; Vargas Gil, Silvina; Meriles, José M. The impact of both fungicide and water erosion on soil microbial communities has been little studied, and far less in subhumid-dry climates. ... -
Amesuviridae: a new family of plant-infecting viruses in the phylum Cressdnaviricota, realm Monodnaviria
The phylum Cressdnaviricota comprises viruses with single-stranded, circular DNA genomes that encode an HUH-type endonuclease (known as Rep). Herrera da Silva, João Paulo; Pereira de Resende, Franciely Maria; Ferreira da Silva, José Cleydson; De Breuil, Soledad; Nome Docampo, Claudia; Bejerman, Nicolas Esteban; Murilo Zerbini, Francisco ... -
Amesuviridae: a new family of plant-infecting viruses in the phylum Cressdnaviricota, realm Monodnaviria
Autor: Herrera da Silva, João Paulo; Pereira de Resende, Franciely Maria; Ferreira da Silva, José Cleydson; De Breuil, Soledad; Nome Docampo, Claudia; Bejerman, Nicolas Esteban; Murilo Zerbini, Francisco The phylum Cressdnaviricota comprises viruses with single-stranded, circular DNA genomes that encode an HUH-type endonuclease (known as Rep). ... -
El Ministerio de Defensa puso a consulta on line los fondos documentales de las Fuerzas Armadas sobre la Guerra de Malvinas
Se trata de informes de las comisiones de análisis y evaluación, diarios de guerra, mapas, material de prensa y otra documentación relevante para el conocimiento de los hechos ocurridos durante el conflicto bélico. Los documentos fueron digitalizados como parte del proyecto Malvinas 40 años, coordinado por la Dirección Nacional de Derechos Humanos, y también incluyó la descripción, relevamiento y análisis de más de 600.000 fojas documentales. ... -
The teachers
secular for all the population. In order to implement his project, he relied on his friend Mary Mann and ... -
Reclamar haberes de retiro o pensión no percibidos
Solicitar el reenvío al banco de haberes no cobrados (repago) ... -
knowledge on technological tools overseas, in fields related to technological innovation, production and ... processes, in order to meet the needs of both SMEs and Large Goods and Services Companies. As an essential ... trade fairs and events are expressly excluded. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA In order to be eligible for the ... -
LPN No: 05/2017
sita en la calle Av. Eduardo Madero 942 piso 15, de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (C.A.B.A), ... informando: Nombre y Apellido- DNI- Empresa a la que representa, para agilizar el ingreso al edificio. El día ... -
Glosario de términos naúticos
Prefectura Naval Argentina ... -
The Bahamas confirms the freeze of more than 3 million Euros belonging to Baez
. ... -
Arcor/Ingredion: the formation of Ingrear was subordinated to compliance with structural and behavioural measures
The CNDC and the Secretariat of Industry and Commerce cleared the consolidation of Arcor's and Ingredion's corn wet milling business subject to compliance with a set of structural and behavioural measures ... -
Alertas a la Comunidad
Norberto RODRIGUEZ, con D.N.I. N° 18.226.335, con posible domicilio en la calle BOGOTA 934 2 D – CABA., no ... Eugenia ZARATE (DNI 29.588.974) no se encuentra autorizados por este Organismo para actuar como Productor ... – Ruta 1 y Calle 7 – Santiago del Estero, y/o respecto del Sr. Ernesto Exequiel Luna con D.N.I ... -
Online Global Consultation with Civil Society
disability do you have? * Physical Visual Intellectual Auditory Deafblindness Multiple Psychosocial I have no ... disability Other Disability 6. Email Address (in case clarification on input provided in this form is needed) ... Indigenous people with disabilities. 8. Statistical data on disability. 9. Leadership and representation. 10. ... -
CNDC investigation into alleged cartelisation of prepaid medical companies continues
In the framework of the agreement reached between the Superintendence of Health Services and the prepaid medicine companies, the Secretariat of Industry and Commerce confirmed that it is continuing with the investigation into the alleged cartelisation of a group of firms in the sector. ...