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Nicolás Posse gave his first management report in the Senate
In compliance with the National Constitution, the Chief of Staff presented his first management report in the Senate. ... -
Aimé Painé, la incansable lucha por la identidad mapuche
Hace 78 años nacía la primera cantante mapuche en actuar con el atuendo tradicional y también la artífice de la recuperación del bello cancionero de las abuelas de su comunidad. En esta entrevista, su biógrafa Cristina Rafanelli amplía algunos aspectos de la obra y vida de "una gran luchadora". ... -
Chair's Summary from High-Level Dialogue on Climate Action in the Americas
Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA) closed out the panel with a call to action for regional and global ... society, academia, and indigenous representatives, for the first-ever High-Level Dialogue on Climate Action ... in the Americas. Leaders issued an emphatic call for greater climate ambition and concrete actions ... -
Guillermo Francos to Present His Management Report in the Senate
The Chief of Staff will present Management Report No. 141, addressing key issues such as the Economy, Health, and Foreign Relations, and responding to the concerns of 48 senators, in compliance with Article 101 of the National Constitution. ... -
The Government calls for tender to privatize the hidrovía and enhance its competitiveness
The national government has announced the call for tender to privatize the Main Navigable Waterway, which is crucial for Argentina's foreign trade. With a private concession scheme at the risk of the business sector, the project aims to modernize the infrastructure and improve logistical competitiveness. ... -
he national government and the province of Río Negro agreed on the transfer and cooperation on public works
The signing of the framework agreement includes housing and educational infrastructure works, among other strategic ones. ... -
Management Report | 2020 – 2023
The document reviews the main achievements of the CNDC over the past four years ... -
The Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos, resented the first management report in the Chamber of Representatives.
Guillermo Francos, the Chief of Staff, presented his first management report to the National Chamber of Representatives yesterday, as mandated by the National Constitution. In this context, Francos highlighted in his opening speech: 'In these months that we have been in government, we have demonstrated that we are highly effective in management. ... -
The Chief of Staff presented the management report No. 141 in the Senate
Guillermo Francos: "We have established solid foundations for Argentina’s growth and development" ... -
Cómo patentar un Trailer O1
Paso a paso sobre como realizar el trámite para cumplir con la disposición 323 de la DNRPA sancionada en Septiembre de 2019. ... -
DNI Joven – Actualización de DNI de mayor de 14 años
Los Centros de Documentación de Renaper cuentan con atención exclusiva para la actualización del DNI de los 14 años. También podés hacerlo en los Registros Civiles provinciales que adhieren al programa. ... -
The national government and Córdoba agreed on the transfer of public works
An ensemble of hydraulic, sanitation, road, and social infrastructure projects will be transferred for execution by the province. ... -
The national government reduced spending on office rents for public buildings by over two billion pesos.
The national government, through Agency for State Property Administration (AABE) under the Chief of the Ministerial Cabinet, has implemented a significant reduction in lease contracts for offices used by various ministries across the country. This measure is part of a policy aimed at optimizing and increasing efficiency in public resource management. ... -
Juntos contra la violencia institucional
“paran” en la calle? Tenés derecho a transitar libremente y a no ser privado de tu libertad sin orden ... de un juez o fiscal que así lo establezca. Recordá que es importante que circules con tu DNI o cualquier ... estás privado de tu libertad. Si te paran por control, la policía no puede retenerte el DNI. No ... -
Realizá tus trámites on-line en el Punto Digital más cercano
de Modernización, ahora también funcionaran como espacios para que los vecinos puedan realizar trámites on ... a los vecinos que acudan a realizar trámite on-line. De esta manera los Puntos Digitales y sus equipos ... turno y seguir el estado de trámite del DNI; obtener constancia de CUIL o consultar la radicación ...